
Most of the static webpages have been updated, and more to come – I’ll be targeting a page a month through 2020. I’ll be working to restore the site, as well as add some additional material as time allows. Hit The Weblog for some updates, or try some of these links below. I’ll also be pulling content over from the old weblog, and have “despammed” it so that it no longer talks about casinos and making money online.

feel free to use the “Contact us” link for suggestions, and I may get back on the Armour Archive boards (User “Scott Martin”) sometime in the near future.

If you are looking for armour on the web I’d suggest starting here:

There are some other places with excellent physical collections and
not-as-good web presences, which include:

Articles which haven’t been migrated to WordPress yet include:

Last Updated On April 11, 2020

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